Ebook Herunterladen , by Beryl Markham
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, by Beryl Markham
Ebook Herunterladen , by Beryl Markham
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Nun, zur Zeit mal sehen, wie das Buch wird sicherlich für dich gibt. , By Beryl Markham ist derjenige, den Sie haben viel bessere Zeit zum Entspannen beeinflussen könnten. Also genau das, was man die freie Zeit geben wird, nicht nur entspannend aber zusätzlich viel mehr Know-how. Know-how sowie Erfahrung ist sehr lohnenswert und auch werden sie sicherlich zeitlos sein. Die Existenz dieses Buches können Sie unterstützen, dass die klassischen Wert haben. Wirklich von unschätzbarem Wert als auch wertvoll ist genau das, was Sie auch von der Lektüre dieses Buchs erwerben könnten.
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 10421 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 306 Seiten
Verlag: Open Road Media (14. August 2012)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
20 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#36.256 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
The above perfectly encapsulates my experience of re-reading Beryl Markham's stunning memoir. The only caveat I'd make is that the last part of the definition makes it sound like a bad thing, when in reality the plethora of descriptive and evocative prose to be found within the 294 pages of this book are about as close to reading nirvana as a I am likely to find in my lifetime.
Within the first pages you understand that this is sensitivity borne of the confluence of fine personal background and high love for natural Africa.Only a woman who understood the wind and the plains could write in such a way.A book of significance.
I picked this up in a garage sale, purely on the strength of the cover picture - it seemed like that face had seen and done a lot - which turns out to be absolutely true! More like poetry than prose, some of her descriptive passages have to be read more than once, just to let the feelings soak into your system. Ms Markham's early life is told in a matter-of-fact way, which takes it for granted that, when at 17, your father decides to leave Africa for Peru, you jump on your horse and head North, with no food, one change of underwear, little education, but a deep knowledge of horses and expect to land on your feet. Which is exactly what she does, co-incidentally meeting many yet-to-be-famous people on the way. Hunter; horse-trainer; aeronaut; most people would be happy to excel in any one of these professions, but Beryl does it all with surpassing ease. Her style is self-effacing and matter-of-fact; you would imagine that being 'moderately eaten' by a lion would warrant more than a couple of paragraphs, but it only gets included here, I suspect, on the strength of Bishon Singh's wonderful rhetoric in describing the event. She also has a knack of striking up instant and longlasting relationships with people from every race, creed and social status - I don't believe she even saw those differences; be he a Murani warrior or a colonial Governor, they both get treated to the same open-minded friendship. A book to read & read again.
I was talking about Africa one day, and one of my younger friends who had just completed college, recommended this book. I looked for the book because my friend is not given to reading, and the fact that she was impressed told me it might be an interesting book. I liked the book so much, I bought a "talking" version for my older aunt who has lost much of her vision and cannot read. She loved the book too. From this sample of three women, I can tell you this book will appeal to all ages.Beryl Markham neglects many aspects of her colorful life, the story briefly covers her child hood in Africa and then mostly focuses on her wonderful flight, actually harder than Lindbergh's flight since she flew East to West, Europe to North America, against the jet stream. The description of the flight is thrilling up til the last when she crash lands--in North America.If you want to know more about Beryl and her escapades, read "Out of Isak Dinesen, Karn Blixon's Untold Story" by Linda Donelson. Beryl knew Blixon (17 years her senior, and a mentor at some points) and Denis Finch Hatton. Also, the wonderful BBC film "Heat of the Sun" contains a character played by Susannah Harker (an avatrix) loosely based on Beryl Markham.
"Westwärts mit der Nacht" ist der faszinierende Lebensbericht einer außergewöhnlichen Frau, die den größten Teil ihres Lebens in Afrika verbracht hat, die versessen war auf die Elefantenjagt und aufs Fliegen. Beryl Markham war 1906 als vierjähriges Mädchen mit ihrem Vater nach Kenia gekommen. Als junge Frau setzte sie sich rasch über die gesellschaftlichen Konversationen hinweg: Sie begeisterte sich für die Buschfliegerei und zählte zu den wenigen weiblichen Flugpionieren der Zeit. Mutig und entschlossen kämpfte sie um Anerkennung. Dabei erwarb sie den Ruf einer Circe, der es auf wundersame Weise gelang, in die Männergesellschaft des kolonialen Kenia einzudringen und von ihr akzeptiert zu werden. Wie Tania Blixen ("Jenseits von Afrika") entführt Beryl Markham ihre Leser in die Weite und unvergleichliche Schönheit des kenianischen Hochlandes. Ebenso beeindruckend schildert sie die exotische Welt der Kikujus und stolzen Umnik Massai und das prachtvolle Leben der englischen Kolonialgesellschaft.
Markham description of her life in East Africa provides an great example of a life well lived. Whether she's describing an attack by a lion, or the tribulations of night flying over a darkened landscape, her story is full of a lustful love of life. I found myself hanging on her stories, excited to see how they'd trun out, and was never dissapointed. Perhaps the best part of the book is Markhams insightful appreciation for the significance of her adventures. She tells her stories as they (apparently) occured with a wonderful lack of concern about how others might find them; that is, she tells us about her adventures and lets us draw conclusions from them. She makes comments about her stories vaule to herself but doesn't force her views on us. A wonderful book!
There is controversy about who actually wrote this incredible book. Rumor has it that her third husband wrote this delightful autobiography. However, if the reader delves into Markham's short stories, her captivating prose holds up. And she wasn't anywhere near the third husband for those stories. I believe she wrote her works, and they are among the most enjoyable reads I have ever known.
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